The War Memorial is set on the far wall in St. Michael’s, Coston in Norfolk. It is made up of a golden-coloured plaque mounted on a wooden board. It lists the names of three soldiers from Coston who fought and died in the First World War. Freddie Abel’s brother, John, is listed on the memorial in St. George’s, Hardingham.
Freddie Abel
Freddie was born 26th October 1885 in Hardingham and died in 1917 aged 32. He now rests in Alexandria, Egypt.
Horace W. Balls
Horace was born in 1893 and was killed in April 1917 aged 24. He now rests in the Gaza War Cemetery in Palestine.
Norman F. Wace
Norman was born in 1899 and was killed on 4 November 1918. He now rests in the Ghissignies British Cemetery in France.
St. Michael’s, Coston